Friday, February 25, 2011

Degenerate Indecency

Suppress the demons, they grasp at my soul --
Feed off of the love that remains.
Hatred, as a void, grows stronger in the absence.
The light grips faintly, dimming into vapor gone wild in the wind.
Life is but a breath on a hazy night's chill.
Man's mind, so complex, to dust be diminished.
Where intelligence thrives, folly glistens --
Knowledge without wisdom is empty, desolate.
As we rationalize the lies, God's viewed illogical.
All followers found ignorantly blissful.
Decrease the glory of heaven to a higher state of consciousness, thus humanism is birthed and nourished.
Worshipping creature, given up to infatuation.
Trickery, famine, holocaust, terrorism.
Hence is the depth of the human condition.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Nineteenth, Two-Thousand Eleven

"All is vain, a mere grasping at the wind"
If life is but pain, where lies the will to live?
Between the lines, she finds comfort in this:
That this toil is not solely temporal, but does eternally unhinge.

Rip aside the veil that does so darken our hearts!
Rewind the time spent frivolously; Restart.
We know not the extent our sin hath wrought
Yet by grace found blameless of the guilt, soon forgot.

Honesty, Depravity

Oh, how my mind seems to wander, to stray far from you! You have blessed me in great abundance, you have showered upon me goodness so liberally. Yet my lustful heart longs to be satisfied with the filth of this world. Nevertheless, my spirit knows that satisfaction is found singularly in you.
The pouring out of my life in the world ends solely in death. Indulging my flesh in the world reaps empty satisfaction; 'tis but a hollow victory, a feat resulting in physical pain and spiritual destruction.
To think that I, yes even I, would more willfully sell my soul for a pretty penny than offer my life as a sacrifice to you. How selfish the whole of humanity has become! How wretched, how vile must one be to honestly refuse God for only moments of absent pleasure?
Regardless of my tendencies, I shall joyfully press on; press on towards the victory, the goal, the prize. That I may be deemed worthy, as through your grace, to obtain life.

Walk The Line

What darkness lies in the shadows cast?
Mysterious beings haunted with the shrill cries of their past.
I walk the line, unwilling to choose.
Hesitation, fear, so much to lose.
The darkness beckons me seal my fate;
To the shifty shadows, the tainted road many choose to take.
I stop to take a breath, my petrified heart pounding in my chest.
My interest sparks to an angel's cries,
I lift my head to examine with my eyes.
As I stood still, the light kept moving.
The darkness was but a breath away...

A Letter To A Friend

This is not "good-bye"
Nor is it the end,
It is merely a pause
Until we meet again.

Winter buds to Spring
and Summer droops to Fall,
Seasons exhaust and change
Our love superceeds them all.

Bluebirds frolic in the heavens
Children laugh and play,
My heart is yours forever
All a dying day.

Verily, only unto you I write
Singular offering to you I give,
I am bound by oath my word at stake
Transcending affections eternally live.